One of the biggest challenges managers face is how to effectively manage the performance of team members. Most organisations have a performance management/appraisal process that receives attention only once or twice a year and is often seen as a chore by both parties.
This one-day workshop re-positions effective performance management as a habit that successful managers develop. Packed with simple, practical approaches this session builds the skillset and the confidence of managers at any level to enable effective management and development of people.
Please get in touch to explore pricing options, or simply find out more.
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What you will learn
- What poor performance looks like and why it occurs
- Techniques to manage performance
- How to set SMART goals
- The role of regular performance reviews
- The Win-Learn-Change concept
- How to address and manage poor performance
- How to improve performance and manage strong performance

Modules in more detail
- What ‘poor performance’ looks like – why it occurs; poor confidence, capability and motivation
- Techniques to manage performance – SMART goal setting, performance reviews and understanding the Win-Learn-Change concept
- Addressing poor performance – conducting performance reviews, giving effective feedback and capturing information and actions
- Managing good and great performance – how to encourage and engage to optimise performance
- Coaching to improving performance – coaching to improve performance and setting clearly defined goals
- Align to business process – how developing performance fits within existing performance management process and systems

Who it is suitable for
- Managers and team leaders at all levels
- Anybody wishing to develop their empathy and conflict resolution skills
At a glance...

- One-day classroom workshop
- Closed group delivered within your business
- Suitable for up to 12 delegates
- Packed with practical and proven tips and techniques
- Engaging activities and action planning
- Considers typical leadership scenarios