We all have the right to equality in our workplace. This doesn’t happen automatically; we all need to promote inclusion and work towards eliminating discrimination for ourselves and our colleagues. Therefore we all need to understand the core issues and legal obligations.
This training course provides an essential introduction to the principles of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, including an awareness of your rights and responsibilities, as set out in the Equality Act 2010.
- £30 plus VAT
- Contact us for large group quotes
£ 30.00 plus VAT

What you will learn
- What we mean by equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace
- Obstacles that can hinder equality and inclusion, including prejudice, stereotyping and bias
- What diversity and inclusion looks like in action, and the resulting benefits
- How the Equality Act 2010 defines protected characteristics to establish the right for equality
- What constitutes unlawful conduct under the Equality Act
- Why the Equality Act matters to us all

Modules in more detail
- Diversity & inclusion principles – an explanation of the terms ‘equality’, ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’, supported with facts about how some different groups in our society are treated. We introduce some barriers that can prevent inclusion, looking at the impact that prejudice, stereotyping and bias can have. The module concludes with the benefits resulting from valuing diversity and promoting inclusion at work
- Rights & responsibilities – a brief overview of how the Equality Act 2010 applies to everyone, with focus on the 9 protected characteristics and the 6 types of unlawful conduct enshrined within it

Who it is suitable for
- Any organisation as part of a programme of awareness training
- Anyone who requires a basic understanding of D&I, focusing upon what D&I is
- Anyone who has completed the Diversity & inclusion in the workplace course and requires refresher training
- Suitable for all roles

- £30 plus VAT
- Contact us for large group quotes
At a glance...

- Two online modules
- Total learning time – 60 mins
- Gamified self-led learning
- Works across PC, tablet and phone
- Inclusive and accessible
- Full audio voiceover and closed captions
- Video and eLearning format
- Digital activities, quizzes and action plans
- Full access for 6 months
- Developed by experienced Diversity & Inclusion expert
- Digital certificate on completion