Have you ever experienced or witnessed racist behaviours, actions or conversations whilst at work? Would you recognise them? And would you know how to respond?
This can be a difficult topic to broach, but with the help of an experienced Diversity & Inclusion expert, we break down the barriers that can prevent us from challenging ourselves and others.
This course starts by examining what it means to be racist and how people may be exhibiting racial stereotyping, prejudice and bias without realising it. We’ll look at some crucial race-related topics and how to talk about them, examine the legal position as set out in the Equality Act and support your journey to becoming anti-racist by giving you the knowledge and tools required.
- £50 plus VAT
- Contact us for large group quotes
What you will learn
- Identify examples of racial inequalities and describe what it means to be racist
- What causes racism racial stereotyping, racial prejudice and racial bias and how they impact on individuals
- Why we might avoid talking about race issues
- How to recognise and talk about crucial topics such as white privilege, microaggressions and anti-racism
- How the Equality Act protects you from racial discrimination and defines four types of unlawful conduct related to race discrimination
- The attributes you need to become anti-racist
- How to apply the anti-racist toolkit in different workplace scenarios
Modules in more detail
- Racial inequality and the key causes – an introduction to the key causes of racial inequality, posing different race related questions to get you thinking
- Race conversations – examines how to have conversations on different race related topics and the reasons why people avoid them
- Equality Act: Race – explores the Equality Act 2010, focusing on the protected characteristic of Race and related unlawful conducts
- Becoming anti-racist in the workplace – we introduce the Anti-racist toolkit and how you can apply it in your workplace
Who it is suitable for
- Any organisation as part of a programme of awareness training
- Anyone who wishes to increase their knowledge of race issues and develop an anti-racist culture within their organisation
- Suitable for managers, HR professionals and team members
- £50 plus VAT
- Contact us for large group quotes
At a glance...
- Four online modules
- Total learning time – 2 hours
- Gamified self-led learning
- Works across PC, tablet and phone
- Inclusive and accessible
- Full audio voiceover & closed captions
- Video and eLearning format
- Digital activities, quizzes and action plans
- Comprehensive, searchable glossary of terms
- List of sources for further reading
- Full access for 6 months
- Developed by experienced Diversity & Inclusion expert
- Digital certificate on completion